Frequently asked questions.

What materials do you use?

I work with acrylic, plastic, polymer clay, resin, glitter, and bone. If you’re chemically sensitive, please let me know and I can leave off the acrylic sealant or let it off gas for longer.

How quickly will you ship my order?

I work on chronic illness time and give myself three weeks to ship orders. I appreciate your patience as I meet my access needs!

Where Do you ship?

I ship all over the world! At the moment, I am only able to ship within the US for PillJoy.Shop orders. But if you live elsewhere, you can order through my Etsy Shop

Can you make me a custom item?

I am not taking custom orders at this time.

I love everything about Pill joy!! How can I support??

Aww thank you!! I have a Patreon or you can make a one time donation here. You can also support by telling everyone you know about Pill Joy!

Are we there yet?????


*Congratulations! You found a frequently questioned answer! :)

Where do you get those bones?

I raise dermestid beetles, which are the same beetles museums and universities use to clean skeletons. They are voracious carnivores and do a very thorough job! After the beetles are done, I degrease and whiten the bones. I only work with naturally and accidentally dead animals. If you’re into this sort of thing, check out my scienceart on Instagram @curiouspreservation!

May I pet your dog?

Theodore Buttons would probably love that, but please ask first when you see us out and about. He’s a task trained service dog who sometimes needs to stay focused on helping me. But he’s a great therapy dog and has a lot of love to share.